Undefeated - The Podcast
This is the podcast that unfolds the stories of the Undefeated Book - from migrant women, who, against all odds, overcame the challenges and barriers of living in a foreign land. If you would like to buy the book and read it, visit PMW Website - link in the description of each episode.
21 episodes
#23 Life is full of twists - Dr. Chloe Lim
Chloe was born in Malaysia. She lives in New Zealand and Singapore before settling in Australia from 2006. She is a scientist and balloon artist.Follow Dr. Chloe on LinkedInCheck...

#22 Where is Parnia? - Dr Suzanne Martin
Dr Suzanne Martin moved from Iran to Malaysia and then to Australia. She has been an Australian since 2017, working as a researcher at Victoria University.Follow Suzanne on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/smartin3/Brazi...
Season 1
Episode 22

#20 The Door - Ana Asanovic
Ana came alone to Melbourne in July 2016. She works as a communication manager and is passionate about writing and projects that make a difference.Follow Ana on LinkedIn

#19 Strength in vulnerability - Andrea Hughes
Andrea was born in Brazil, where she grew up. She moved to Australia in 2010. She is a language teacher and the director-creator of the Brazilian Ethnic School of SA and U-SpeakAdl.Follow Andrea on LinkedIn:
Season 1
Episode 19

#17 Join me for the ride - Pilar Oyarzun
Pilar was born in Chile, and arrived to Australia in 2015. She is a food technologist, founder and principal consultant at Great Food Creations Pty Ltd.Follow Pilar on LinkedIn...
Season 1
Episode 17

#16 Small and Dark - Rosemary Gillan
Born in India, Rosemary migrated to Australia as a child, and then lived in fourteen countries. She is a published author and copywriter.Follow Rosemary on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin...
Season 1
Episode 16

#14 Tram to Despair - Mayase Jere
Mayase was born in Zambia and moved to Australia in 2004. She is an agile project manager passionate about increasing women in tech leadership roles.Follow Mayase on LinkedInFind...

#13 A connector that feels lonely - Catalina Gonzalez
Catalina is a Vicacious emcee, facilitator and impact entrepreneur. She is from Colombia and came to Melbourne in 2009.Follow Catalina on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cat...
Season 1
Episode 13

#12 The whole damn bakery - Ana Mills
Ana is Peruvian. She move to Melbourne in 2016, initially for two years. Ana works in the sustainability sector as a senior advisor. Follow Ana on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/a...
Season 1
Episode 12

#11 Swimming In A New Land - Luisa Aguillon
Luisa was born in Colombia. She decided in 2019 to step out of her comfort zone by moving to Australia.Follow Luisa on LinkedIn.This episode may contain discussion of dep...

#10 Family Heirloom - Suzi Chen
Dr Suzi Chen grew up in Taiwan and New Zealand and migrated to Australia in 1997. Suzi is the founder of business consultancy, Notonos.Follow Suzi on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/i...
Season 1
Episode 10

#9 What did you do? - Lina Orozco Munera
Lina is Colombian. She came to Melbourne by herself in 2018 to do her Master's. Lina works in communications helping advance women's rights and safety. Follow Lina on LinkedIn: http...
Season 1
Episode 9

#8 Where Were You, One Year Ago? - Anhely Millan
Anhely, originally from Venezuela, moved to Australia in 2014. She is the founder of Sustainability for Kids and author of The World Behind Recycling.Follow Anhely on Linke...
Season 1
Episode 8

#7 Becoming a teacher again - Maryam Sarrafzadeh
Maryam Sarrafzadeh is Iranian. In 2020, she moved to Australia. She was a lecturer at University of Tehran in Iran and now she is an English teacher both volunteering and paid ones in Melbourne.Follow Maryam on LinkedIn:
Season 1
Episode 7

#6 Freedom, finally! - Javeriya Sayeed
Javeriya is a Pakistani who moved to Australia in 2018 for a better life. She is a business coach and a biotechnologist with goals of contributing her talents to the industry.Follow Javeriya on LinkedIn:
Season 1
Episode 6

#5 My Dear Country - Carmen Munian
Carmen is a scientist, inventor, businessperson, and changemaker. Australia has been her home since 2002. Her heritage is South African Indian.Follow Carmen on LinkedIn: https://ww...
Season 1
Episode 5

#4 Crossing the River - Divina Guerrera
Divina was born in Italy, and has lived in Australia since 1966. Divina was a teacher, early childhood educator and director and is currently a bicultural worker.Follow Divina on LinkedIn:
Season 1
Episode 4

#3 The Last Goodbye - Veronica Duran
Veronica was born in Mexico and migrated to Australia in 2015. She is passionate about education and working with people. Follow Veronica on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/veronic...
Season 1
Episode 3

#2 My Dance Journey - Elena Osalde
Elena is a Mexican-Australian potentialist who has lived in Melbourne since 2010. She holds a bachelor of science in computer systems engineering, a master of business administration and many dance diplomas. Follow Elena on Linked...
Season 1
Episode 2